Adagio Therapy
Let’s Get Your Body In Tune


"....a friend who knew I suffered from constant pain and stiffness kept telling me what great success she was having with Therassage.  I was doubtful, but gave it a try.  It was completely different from what I expected.  I finally got some relief and was able to sleep better!"  CF


"I just wanted to Thank-you from the bottom of my heart for what you have done for my mother.  She suffered for over 20 years from unrelenting pain. Thank you for giving her the first full night of sleep!! GD


I suffered with severe pain in the arches of my feet, that often put me in tears despite my husband attempting to deeply rub my feet for relief.  In one session Pam treated the root cause of this pain....the relief was immediate.  Since then she has always been able to decipher what causes a certain pain and treat it.  It is amazing!" LC


"i have suffered with fibromyalgia for 50 years, my regular sessions with Pam keep me functional and at my best.  I can garden and shop and enjoy my grandchildren!" AB


"After sessions with Pam I was able to take a vacation and actually travel on a plane!  Before that, I couldn't bear to sit for more than an hour at a time...which made travel impossible.  My family was so delighted to see me after so many years of staying home!". VO


"I realized my Therassage sessions helped me cope with the unexpected so much better.  I never knew how short tempered and easily stressed I felt because of constant tightness and pain.". JB


"Pam is the pain detective!  She uncoveres what the culprit really is and treats it. I'm always surprised by how pain refers somewhere else".   CL







Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 920-687-9999
612 E. Longview Dr., Appleton, WI 54911
© Copyright 2025 Adagio Therapy. All rights reserved.