Adagio Therapy
Let’s Get Your Body In Tune
About the Therapist


Pam Bilyeu

Wisconsin Licensed Massage Therapist - AMBP Insured

Owner - Medical Massage Therapist -  Nurse - Educator


After 20 plus years as a nurse, Pam attended Fox Valley School of Massage, graduating January 2009.  Diminishing eyesight from a rare disorder called Retinitis Pigmentosa hasn't diminished her vision to help people. 

Her astute palpation skills, extensive anatomy training and nursing experience is well suited to her therapeutic focused massage practice.    

She has developed her skills following the methods of Art Riggs, Dr. Ben Benjamin and Erik Dalton...all advanced Massage Educators utilizing manual methods to treat pain, tissue restriction and dysfunction.  She has a Medical Massage Cetification through David Morin. 

"When someone walks out of session without the pain they came in with....there is no greater satisfaction.  I know first hand how debilitating unrelenting pain can be. It affects everything; your job, your family, your sleep and your sanity."  

"Many clients have been to multiple doctors, therapists; even taking  powerful pain medications -  with poor results.  The THERASSAGE method treats the real source of soft tissue pain."  

"Our bodies are so wonderfully made.  My therapy practice continues to fascinate me with the intricacies of how the body is put together, how it heals from injury and deals with pain."  

"I partner with my clients to bring more resilience in their tissues and  joints, improving their posture and mobility.  It is like a beautiful concerto being played, a marvel to witness these transformations." 

Pam's strongest skill is listening. She listens to your words, your body and even what isn't said, to get to the bottom of an issue.  If she can't treat you, she will refer you to someone who can....she partners with skilled Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Orthopedic Surgeons and Osteopaths in the Fox Valley to assure your needs are met.



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Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 920-687-9999
612 E. Longview Dr., Appleton, WI 54911
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