Adagio Therapy
Let’s Get Your Body In Tune
Chiropractic & Therassage


The Perfect Marriage...


Clients who utilize Chiropractic Treatment with THERASSAGE see the best results overall.  It really is the perfect marriage of therapeutic modalities.

Chiropractic Doctors seek to achieve the best functional alignment of your skeletal system; the main componenent being your spine.  A good Chiropractor also will treat all of your the arms, shoulders, wrists, pelvis, knees and ankles.  

Don't dismiss pain or discomfort; or mistakingly label it as "just getting old" or arthritis.  Many times a minor dislocation can cause nerve compression resulting in pain and dysfunction. 

There are many good Chiropractors in the Fox Valley, I am happy to partner with one you currently use or give you some options to try that I have had experience with.   Please be sure to let your chiropractor know you are seeing me, take my business card with you for them.  Many are looking for a Therapeutic Focused MT that can help their patients.  



Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 920-687-9999
612 E. Longview Dr., Appleton, WI 54911
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